
‘Fragments’ is a short 3D animation created through the collaborative efforts of Cosmin Hrincu and George Varettas. The film follows the journey of an old man, dependant on an oxygen machine, travelling across a perilous, unforgiving and seemingly lifeless landscape. Overshadowed by the colossal remains of what once was, the decayed and ruinous structures around him serve as a constant reminder of his tragic past and the burdens that he now bears. He finds a glimpse of hope through the staggering discovery of a small egg, a fragile source of life that he takes it upon himself to care for and nurture. 

A strong emotional bond is instantly developed between the two characters. Aside from the broader spark of hope the egg represents, for the old man it also provides a connection to his child and a chance to right the wrongs and regrets of his past life. The apocalyptic setting is merely a background for this emotional attachment to develop, and it reinforces the arduous fight to preserve life in the most dire of times. This is further reinforced by an innovative visual design approach that allowed continuous experimentation with vibrant colour schemes, helping to complement the character’s feelings and motivations.

The fragile state of this environment also acts as a reminder of the old man’s mortality and the futility of human endeavor over the power of nature. Throughout the development of the film the old man learns to appreciate the fragility of life, and ultimately come to terms with his own mortality, realizing and accepting that he cannot control the course of nature.
The theme of hope is prevalent throughout the film. The old man sees the egg as a harbinger of life on earth, while the audience gains an appreciation for the human spirit to never lose hope even in the darkest of times.

The interdependent relationship between the old man and the egg is a focal point of the film. Seen as a chance for redemption, the old man needs the egg as a way of escaping regretful memories. He carries along the burdens of his past, represented through his oxygen tank and cart. This physical manifestation of his regrets illustrates the weight of his fractured memories that he refuses to let go of. The egg is dependent of the old man in order to survive the inherent dangers of this perilous world. It is also a driving a force that will allow the old man to release himself of his past and ultimately move on. The egg also blurs the line between the old man’s reality and fragmented memories, acting as a constant reminder of his lost child.

Isolation  plays a major thematic role in this fragmented reality and we see the effect it has on the human condition through the old man's behaviour. He clings to the egg so strongly as it rekindles emotions of what it's like to protect and care for a loved one.

Fuelled by pathos and decay, ‘Fragments’ tells a touching story of an old man’s struggle to let go of his past in order for life to start a new beginning.